Conference materials

You will find here some post-conference resources provided by some of the keynote, workshop and early morning session presenters.

How to get ready for a conference?

  • Click here to access the pre-conference webinar "The Conference Playbook: Strategies for Presenting, Networking, and Managing Expectations" organized by ISEE's Student and New Reaserchers Network 
  • Click here to access the slides of the early morning session "Hands on: One hour to improve your presentation skills"

Workshop resources

  • Workshop 3: "Methods for risk extrapolation from multi-location studies in environmental epidemiology"
  • Workshop 6: "All you ever want to know about writing, publishing and reviewing environmental epidemiology papers"
  • Workshop 7: "An introduction to climate data for health analysis"
  • Workshop 8: "Elevate your research with reproducibility science practices"


  • "Health effect of transportation noise" by Mette Sørensen: watch the replay here
  • "From Above and Below: Images and Computer Vision for Environmental Exposure Measurement" by Ricky Nathvani: watch the replay here
  • "Early life exposure to pesticides and children's health: turning scientific evidence into action" by Cécile Chevrier and "Non-targeted characterization of the human chemical exposome: a new opportunity for exploratory research in environmental health" by Jade Chaker: watch the replay here
  • "The revision of the EU Ambient Air Quality Directive" by Barbara Hoffmann: watch the replay here
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